
I authored a number of contemporary romance books under the pen name Monica Myers.

Elsie Kay, Merry Little Cluster Fudge (2024) Editor

Elsie Kay, Pain’s Liberation (2024) Editor

Elsie Kay, Time’s Surrender (2024) Editor

Elsie Kay, Fate’s Ambition (2024) Editor

Monica Myers, The Sweet Spot (Inkubator Press Limited, 2022) Author.

Monica Myers, Indelibly Yours (Inkubator Press Limited, 2023) Author.

Monica Myers, Sugar and Spices (2021) Author, Editor.

Monica Myers, Elevator Peach (2022) Author, Editor.


C.M Stephens, ‘Vomiting with Indignation: Memory and Abjection in Bernhard Schlink’s The Reader,’ Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History, 24.2 (2018) 183-202 Author, Editor.

C.M Stephens, ‘Saints and Martyrs: Popular Maternal Tropes in Holocaust Memoir,’ The Journal of Holocaust Research, 34.2 (2020) 95-110 Author, Editor.

C.M Stephens, ‘Playing Pretend on Social Media,’ V.G Walden eds, Digital Holocaust Memory Education and Research (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) pp.237-365 Author.

overlooking the valley Winter 2023